Spanu, Antonio

- Place of Origin
- Italy
- Address
University of Vienna
Wien (AUSTRIA)- Appointment Time in VERTIGO
- 2014-05-26 – 2017-05-25
- Post-Vertigo Employment
- Project Title
- Derivation of volcanic ash mass concentration from in-situ and groundbased aerosol measurements
- Project Description
The overall goal of this project is a thorough investigation of the uncertainties related to aerosol mass estimation method using in-situ and measurements. My project is carried out in collaboration with the AERCARE group and the Aerosol group on the Atmospheric Physics Institute (IPA) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). One of the key points is to characterize with which accuracy airborne volcanic ash can be measured with optical particle counters. In particular my work will be focus on the Cloud and Aerosol Spectrometer with Depolarization (CAS-DPOL) instrument with the purpose to test whether the CAS-DPOL is capable in distinguishing different aerosol types. This includes collection of literature results, data analysis on the basis of already existing data set on volcanic ash and Saharan mineral dust, lab test and numerical experiments couplet with a wind tunnel experiment. An evaluation of the effects of non-spherical particle geometry and refractive index will also investigate. One of the final goals is the assessment of the errors induced by the combined effect of data and modeling uncertainties.
- Research Interests
Numerical solution for fluid dynamics problems
Ash dispersion modelling
Uncertainty quantification- About me
I hold a Bachelor's and a M. Sc degree in Mathematics from the University of Pisa, Italy