Alois, Stefano

Place of Origin

Aarhus University
Aarhus (DENMARK)

Appointment Time in VERTIGO
2014-11-01 – 2017-10-31
Post-Vertigo Employment

RINA s.p.a., Rome, Italy


Project Title
Laboratory simulations of gas-pyroclast flows: Investigating the effect of particle concentration, electrification, aggregation and re-entrainment in a recirculating windtunnel
Project Description

My project within VERTIGO is focused on the study of sedimentation, re-suspension, grain electrification, electric field generation, aggregate formation and breakup of ashes in volcanic eruption plumes.
In particular, I’m currently investigating on particles aggregation and electrification using an unique environmental wind tunnel in which pressure and relative humidity can be controlled. Particles electrification is measured by applying an electric field and measuring correspondent velocity in the direction of the field due to their charge. Sedimentation and re-suspension are investigated by measuring the falling velocity in different environmental conditions. Additional investigations will be performed through high-speed cameras, LDA (Laser Doppler Anemometer), PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) and acoustic measurements. A challenging goal is to validate experimental results by performing a DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) of a particle-laden turbulent supersonic jet during one of my secondments working with the CFD group of TUB in Berlin.

Research Interests

Turbulence and computational fluid dynamics
Multiphase flows, particles transport and distribution in the atmosphere
Volcanic ash and pyroclastic density currents

About me

I obtained my bachelor and master degree (2014) in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. During my studies I was fascinated by fluid dynamics, with particular emphasis on turbulence and multiphase-flows. For this reason, I decided to do my master thesis focusing on turbulence modulation due to the presence of inertial particles with a DNS simulation. With VERTIGO I had the chance of to get into volcanology and enlarge my knowledge in a different field, trying to bring my skills developed in fluid dynamics in order to study volcanic ashes behavior.